We are proud to offer Fraser Essentials Canine Cosmetics!

I have partnered with my friend Cynthia Springer to offer Fraser Essentials Canine Cosmetics to show dog and pet owners alike! These unique shampoos, conditioners, grooming sprays, chalks and tools are a must to keep your dog looking its best.
Fraser Essentials offers the very popular Coat Stimulant Shampoo and Spray which is designed to promote coat growth, the indispensable Melt Matts Away Spray which will become your new best friend for removing stubborn mats with very little coat loss, plus a complete line of colored shampoos and other shampoos and conditioners for your every need. Their line of brushes and combs are extremely high quality. The Fraser Essentials Lightweight Oval Pin Brush is the lightest and softest pin brush I have ever used. I highly recommend it.
Visit our website to purchase.