About Us
We are a small show kennel located in sunny Florida. Baypalms Papillons is proud to be the home of multiple group winning, multiple BISS GCH CH Forevr Errol Flynn. Flynn was the #3 Papillon all systems for 2010 and was in the top 10 Papillons from 2008-2010. Flynn is also the 2010 Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed and Toy Group 4th winner.
How We Started
I have always been an animal lover. When I was growing up, we always had one or more dogs around the house along with various hamsters, gerbils, tropical fish and turtles. We had several Miniature Poodles and a Toy Poodle when I was small and then moved up to the "big dogs" like Irish Setters and Collies.
My first dog Xerxes was a disaster. He was a not very well-bred Cocker Spaniel who had every genetic flaw known to Cockers. He had constant ear infections, juvenile cataracts, flea allergies, a heart condition and a temperament that only a mother could love. Nonetheless, I had him for 14 years and I loved him to pieces. He had an indomitable spirit and was feisty to the end.
From Xerxes, I learned the importance of acquiring a pet from a reputable breeder who cares about producing the best dogs possible. Because of my experience with him, I am careful to make sure that I breed only the best stock with health clearances and wonderful temperaments.
While living in Atlanta, I decided I needed a larger dog with a big voice to be a watchdog for me. Well, I got one! After doing my homework this time, I acquired a beautiful Collie girl, Ginger (U-CD Sheranda's Only You CD), from breeder Wanda Cable in Florida. Ginger was an awesome girl who had the sweetest temperament. Barking was her life and she was an excellent watchdog (maybe a little too good). In her later years, after I started with the Papillons, she was so tolerant of the pups. Ginger went to the Rainbow Bridge in June of 2007 after a year long struggle with a bladder tumor.
Because Ginger was very shy, I started her in obedience classes and ended up doing competitive obedience with her. She eventually earned an AKC CD title and a UKC U-CD title. She didn't really enjoy obedience and only did it to please me, so I retired her after she earned her U-CD, but the show bug had bitten.
I started looking for a smaller, more portable breed that I could train for obedience. I also had been to a few dog shows and wanted to try out the conformation ring. Once I discovered the intelligent, playful Papillon, I never looked back.
Baypalms Papillons began in 2003 when I acquired my first show dog Desi (Ch. Baypalms Wings of Desire) from Elizabeth Shelton who was kind enough to place a show dog with a newcomer. Over the years, I have worked with breeders such as Ruth Ann and Danny Ford of Forevr Papillons, Anita Wright of Draco Papillons and Karen Murad of Krystal Papillons, working to build a good foundation of well bred, healthy dogs from good pedigrees. I am extremely grateful to all these breeders for being willing to share their dogs with me. I enjoy handling my own dogs and my Papillons are owner handled with pride.
Papillon Club of America, member since 2007, Recording Secretary 2015 to 2017.
Sunshine State Papillon Club, Inc., member since 2003, Current President, Director 2008 to 2016.
Lakeland-Winter Haven Kennel Club member since 2013.